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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tips to Consider Before You Buy a Second Home
Investment in property is an intelligent matter of finance and ability. There are several factors one must consider before deciding on purchasing a property. With urban luxuries increasing, life style needs are making it necessary for a person to understand the importance of holidays and vacation. The second home or holiday also suits people who believe in property needs for the reason of security and investment. Finding a special holiday home is now quite easy as most of the outskirts of the nearby areas are now developing estates with the amenities of their own.
Tips for purchasing a second home:
1. Consider your finance well. Find out the loans and immediate long term liabilities.
2. Pay all your taxes well and work out tax saving schemes like home loans.
3. Find out the list of expenses your foresee and other mandatory items like insurance, current home loan, medical expenses and child's education fees.
4. Inspect, find and evaluate the property.
5. Knowing amenities like water facility, power is very important. Access to markets for a living is also vital.
6. Look for resale value in the property. Thinking forward is very important.
7. Understanding the cost attached to home decorating accessories must be worked out well.
8. Prospects of negotiation and better deals is a must. At all times it is good to not be impulsive about property matters.
9. Implications of loan are essential so that you do not increase your liability to a very large extent.
10. Harmony and state rules have to be considered so that you do not compromise on your basic living needs when you go on a holiday.
Many investors like to use these properties for renting or leasing out the villas or apartments in order to include more funds in their income. This is also a smart way of working out an option. It is also good to consider when you want to sell it or also if you have future plans to live in the second home. Future planning is a must in all property related issues and it will certainly work out well for you if the finance as well as estate needs are valued in detail.
The cost of home decorating should be worked out too. It will indeed be good if you can find some basic comforts lined up in your holiday home so that your vacations are peaceful.
Considering the importance of amenities especially in plots where you need to construct a house is a delicate matter. Loans and finance for fresh property must be evaluated before you invest in the same. Other costs like broker or agent commission, transfer fees and mandatory state rules must be abided. The prime importance is safety in the abode and one needs to find if the place is adequately safe for normal living. Another important considering in the legality of the property so that you do not get hassled in the long run.
Kamakshii Gupte writes for http://www.abodesindia.com
Madalali mmesikia hayo! Kama ni wewe uliuza viwanja hivi leo uko katika hali gani?
SERIKALI jana ilikunjua makucha yake kwa vigogo waliojenga nyumba za kifahari kando ya Mito ya Mbezi Beach, Mndumbwe na eneo la Hifadhi ya Mikoko, Dar es Salaam baada ya kuzibomoa katika operesheni iliyosimamiwa na Kikosi cha Kutuliza Ghasia (FFU) cha Jeshi la Polisi. Hiyo ni sehemu ya utekelezaji wa tamko la Makamu wa Rais la mwaka 2004 ambalo lilitaja maeneo tengefu ambayo yalipaswa kuhifadhiwa zikiwamo fukwe za bahari ambazo zina mikoko ambayo ni mazalia ya samaki baharini. Licha ya tamko hilo na sheria mbalimbali, bado maeneo ya fukwe za bahari yamekuwa yakivamiwa. Katika kusimamia sheria na tamko hilo, Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii, Kitengo cha Hifadhi ya Misitu, Baraza la Taifa la Kuhifadhi Mazingira (NEMC) na Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Kinondoni, ziliamua kuratibu bomoabomoa hiyo ya nyumba za kifahari zilizojengwa maeneo tengefu ya bahari. Bomoabomoa hiyo ambayo iliendeshwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa polisi wa FFU chini ya Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Kinondoni, Charles Kenyela na kwa mujibu wa Mkurugenzi wa Uzingatiaji na Utekelezaji wa NEMC, Dk Robert Ntakamulenga, jumla ya nyumba 27 kati ya hizo 15 zikiwa zimekamilika ujenzi, nane uzio (fence) na nyingine katika hatua za awali za ujenzi, zilibomolewa. Kazi ya kubomoa nyumba hizo iliyofanywa na kampuni ya Majembe Auction Mart, ilianza huku wakazi wa nyumba hizo wakiwekwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa FFU na polisi wengine waliokuwa wamesheheni mabomu ya machozi, bunduki na gari la kumwaga maji ya kuwasha. Bomoabomoa hiyo ilianzia katika eneo la Hifadhi ya Mikoko, Mbezi Beach mnamo saa 2:00 asubuhi na watu waliokuwa wakiishi katika nyumba hizo walilazimika kutoa vitu vyao nje huku kububujikwa machozi. Mmoja wa wakazi wa eneo hilo na Mchungaji wa Kanisa la Dar es Salaam Christian, George Makala alisema kitendo hicho kinasikitisha kwa kuwa muda uliotolewa kwao ni mdogo na wasingeweza kujiandaa kuhama. Akizungumzia tukio hilo muda mfupi baada ya kubomolewa nyumba yake na kanisa hilo, Mchungaji huyo alisema kitendo hicho hakikufuata taratibu na kimesababisha hasara ya mali nyingi kwa wakazi wa eneo hilo akisema kama wangeachwa wahame zingeokolewa. “Ninasikitika sana kwani kitendo hiki hakikufuata taratibu, alikuja Waziri wa Nyumba, Ardhi na Makazi Profesa Anna Tibaijuka, Mbunge wetu, Halima Mdee na Meya wa Manispaa ya Kinondoni, Yusuf Mwenda wakatuambia eneo hilo siyo la hifadhi, bali ni hatarishi, sisi tuliwaambia tuna uwezo wa kukabiliana nalo ndipo waziri aliposema atatoa tamko,” alisema Mchungaji Makala na kuongeza: “Tukiwa tunasubiri tamko kutoka kwa waziri na vibali tunavyo, tumeshangaa (juzi) Jumapili tunaamka na kukutana alama za X. Hatukujua nani ameweka, leo (jana) ghafla tunashangaa tingatinga zimekuja na kubomoa.” Alisema walichofanyiwa siyo haki kwa sababu hawakupewa muda wa kujiandaa kutafuta mahali pa kuhamia lakini pia wangebomoa nyumba zao kuokoa mali zao. “Kwa sasa tutawasiliana na mwanasheria wetu kuona kama kuna uwezekano wa kuchukua hatua ili twende mahakamani, lakini hilo litategemea nini mwanasheria atatushauri,” alisema Makala. Wananchi washangilia Wakati Mchungaji Makala akielekeza kilio chake kwa waratibu wa shughuli hiyo, baadhi ya watu waliofika kushuhudia tukio hilo waliisifu Serikali wakisema sheria sasa imeanza kufanya kazi. Mmoja wa wakazi hao, Samuel Laizer alisema kilichofanywa sasa na Serikali kinaonyesha kuwa sasa inafanya kazi na hakutakuwa na mtu atakayekuwa juu ya sheria. “Tukio hilo limenifurahisha sana, tumezoea kuona Serikali ikituonea sisi maskini, lakini kitendo cha kubomoa nyumba hata za vigogo waliovunja sheria, sasa tunaamini watu wote tutakuwa sawa,” alisema Laiser. Katika eneo la Mto Mbezi Beach, kikosi hicho cha ubomoaji kilivunja kuta kadhaa zilizokuwa zimezungushwa katika viwanja saba vilivyokuwa karibu na mto huo pamoja na Mto Mndumbe inayomwaga maji katika Bahari ya Hindi. Mwanasheria wa NEMC, Manchare Heche alisema baadhi watu wanaomiliki viwanja hivyo waliendelea kujenga majumba ya kifahari licha ya zuio hilo lilitolewa zaidi ya mara tatu. Heche pia alisema bomoabomoa hiyo ilikuwa iikumbe moja ya nyumba ya kifahari katika Mto Mbezi lakini mmiliki wake ameweka pingamizi katika Mahakama Kuu Kitengo cha Ardhi. Kwa mujibu wa watu waliokuwa katika eneo hilo, nyumba hiyo inakadiriwa kuwa na thamani ya Sh1.5 bilioni. Akizungumzia shughuli hiyo ya jana, Kaimu Mkurugenzi Usimamizi Rasilimali na Wakala wa Huduma za Misitu, Zawadi Mbwambo alisema kazi hiyo imechelewa kutokana na kuhusisha idara, wizara na taasisi tofauti katika utendaji wake. Alisema kazi hiyo itakuwa endelevu na itawahusu watu wote waliojenga katika maeneo ya fukwe za bahari na kusisitiza kuwa umbali unaoruhusiwa kujenga nyumba kutoka eneo la bahari ni meta 60. Kwa upande wake, Dk Ntakamulenga alisema kazi hiyo ya kubomoa nyumba katika maeneo ya hifadhi za taifa, fukwe za bahari na kando ya mito ni endelevu na akatoa wito kwa watu wote waliojenga katika maeneo hayo kuchukuka tahadhari mapema kuondoa usumbufu. “Tumechelewa kuchukua hatua kutokana na zoezi hili kushirikisha mamlaka zaidi ya mmoja, tulikutana kujadili na kuona umuhimu wa kuunganisha nguvu ili utekelezaji wake usiingilie mamlaka nyingine,” alisema Dk Ntakamulenga. Alisema kazi hiyo pindi itakapomalizika katika jiji la Dar es Salaam ambako kuna viwanja zaidi ya 100, vinavyopaswa kurudishwa katika mamlaka husika, itahamia mikoani na itawahusu pia watu wote waliojenga nyumba zao kwenye hifadhi za taifa, kando ya mito na kwenye fukwe za bahari kitendo kinachosababisha uharibifu wa mazingira. Polisi Kinondoni yatoa onyo Kamanda Kenyela aliwataka watu wote waliojenga nyumba zao katika maeneo yanayokatazwa na Serikali, kuzibomoa wenyewe ili kukwepa mkono wa sheria. “Tukio la leo ni kwamba tumewasha taa, sasa watu wote waliojenga nyumba zao kinyume na sheria katika jiji la Dar es Salaam na hata wenye migogoro ya ardhi ambao Mahakama ilishatoa hukumu ni vyema wakabomoa wenyewe, watii sheria pasipo shuruti,” alisema. Habari hii imeandikwa na Geofrey Nyang’oro wa Gazeti la Mwananchi.
SERIKALI jana ilikunjua makucha yake kwa vigogo waliojenga nyumba za kifahari kando ya Mito ya Mbezi Beach, Mndumbwe na eneo la Hifadhi ya Mikoko, Dar es Salaam baada ya kuzibomoa katika operesheni iliyosimamiwa na Kikosi cha Kutuliza Ghasia (FFU) cha Jeshi la Polisi. Hiyo ni sehemu ya utekelezaji wa tamko la Makamu wa Rais la mwaka 2004 ambalo lilitaja maeneo tengefu ambayo yalipaswa kuhifadhiwa zikiwamo fukwe za bahari ambazo zina mikoko ambayo ni mazalia ya samaki baharini. Licha ya tamko hilo na sheria mbalimbali, bado maeneo ya fukwe za bahari yamekuwa yakivamiwa. Katika kusimamia sheria na tamko hilo, Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii, Kitengo cha Hifadhi ya Misitu, Baraza la Taifa la Kuhifadhi Mazingira (NEMC) na Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Kinondoni, ziliamua kuratibu bomoabomoa hiyo ya nyumba za kifahari zilizojengwa maeneo tengefu ya bahari. Bomoabomoa hiyo ambayo iliendeshwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa polisi wa FFU chini ya Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Kinondoni, Charles Kenyela na kwa mujibu wa Mkurugenzi wa Uzingatiaji na Utekelezaji wa NEMC, Dk Robert Ntakamulenga, jumla ya nyumba 27 kati ya hizo 15 zikiwa zimekamilika ujenzi, nane uzio (fence) na nyingine katika hatua za awali za ujenzi, zilibomolewa. Kazi ya kubomoa nyumba hizo iliyofanywa na kampuni ya Majembe Auction Mart, ilianza huku wakazi wa nyumba hizo wakiwekwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa FFU na polisi wengine waliokuwa wamesheheni mabomu ya machozi, bunduki na gari la kumwaga maji ya kuwasha. Bomoabomoa hiyo ilianzia katika eneo la Hifadhi ya Mikoko, Mbezi Beach mnamo saa 2:00 asubuhi na watu waliokuwa wakiishi katika nyumba hizo walilazimika kutoa vitu vyao nje huku kububujikwa machozi. Mmoja wa wakazi wa eneo hilo na Mchungaji wa Kanisa la Dar es Salaam Christian, George Makala alisema kitendo hicho kinasikitisha kwa kuwa muda uliotolewa kwao ni mdogo na wasingeweza kujiandaa kuhama. Akizungumzia tukio hilo muda mfupi baada ya kubomolewa nyumba yake na kanisa hilo, Mchungaji huyo alisema kitendo hicho hakikufuata taratibu na kimesababisha hasara ya mali nyingi kwa wakazi wa eneo hilo akisema kama wangeachwa wahame zingeokolewa. “Ninasikitika sana kwani kitendo hiki hakikufuata taratibu, alikuja Waziri wa Nyumba, Ardhi na Makazi Profesa Anna Tibaijuka, Mbunge wetu, Halima Mdee na Meya wa Manispaa ya Kinondoni, Yusuf Mwenda wakatuambia eneo hilo siyo la hifadhi, bali ni hatarishi, sisi tuliwaambia tuna uwezo wa kukabiliana nalo ndipo waziri aliposema atatoa tamko,” alisema Mchungaji Makala na kuongeza: “Tukiwa tunasubiri tamko kutoka kwa waziri na vibali tunavyo, tumeshangaa (juzi) Jumapili tunaamka na kukutana alama za X. Hatukujua nani ameweka, leo (jana) ghafla tunashangaa tingatinga zimekuja na kubomoa.” Alisema walichofanyiwa siyo haki kwa sababu hawakupewa muda wa kujiandaa kutafuta mahali pa kuhamia lakini pia wangebomoa nyumba zao kuokoa mali zao. “Kwa sasa tutawasiliana na mwanasheria wetu kuona kama kuna uwezekano wa kuchukua hatua ili twende mahakamani, lakini hilo litategemea nini mwanasheria atatushauri,” alisema Makala. Wananchi washangilia Wakati Mchungaji Makala akielekeza kilio chake kwa waratibu wa shughuli hiyo, baadhi ya watu waliofika kushuhudia tukio hilo waliisifu Serikali wakisema sheria sasa imeanza kufanya kazi. Mmoja wa wakazi hao, Samuel Laizer alisema kilichofanywa sasa na Serikali kinaonyesha kuwa sasa inafanya kazi na hakutakuwa na mtu atakayekuwa juu ya sheria. “Tukio hilo limenifurahisha sana, tumezoea kuona Serikali ikituonea sisi maskini, lakini kitendo cha kubomoa nyumba hata za vigogo waliovunja sheria, sasa tunaamini watu wote tutakuwa sawa,” alisema Laiser. Katika eneo la Mto Mbezi Beach, kikosi hicho cha ubomoaji kilivunja kuta kadhaa zilizokuwa zimezungushwa katika viwanja saba vilivyokuwa karibu na mto huo pamoja na Mto Mndumbe inayomwaga maji katika Bahari ya Hindi. Mwanasheria wa NEMC, Manchare Heche alisema baadhi watu wanaomiliki viwanja hivyo waliendelea kujenga majumba ya kifahari licha ya zuio hilo lilitolewa zaidi ya mara tatu. Heche pia alisema bomoabomoa hiyo ilikuwa iikumbe moja ya nyumba ya kifahari katika Mto Mbezi lakini mmiliki wake ameweka pingamizi katika Mahakama Kuu Kitengo cha Ardhi. Kwa mujibu wa watu waliokuwa katika eneo hilo, nyumba hiyo inakadiriwa kuwa na thamani ya Sh1.5 bilioni. Akizungumzia shughuli hiyo ya jana, Kaimu Mkurugenzi Usimamizi Rasilimali na Wakala wa Huduma za Misitu, Zawadi Mbwambo alisema kazi hiyo imechelewa kutokana na kuhusisha idara, wizara na taasisi tofauti katika utendaji wake. Alisema kazi hiyo itakuwa endelevu na itawahusu watu wote waliojenga katika maeneo ya fukwe za bahari na kusisitiza kuwa umbali unaoruhusiwa kujenga nyumba kutoka eneo la bahari ni meta 60. Kwa upande wake, Dk Ntakamulenga alisema kazi hiyo ya kubomoa nyumba katika maeneo ya hifadhi za taifa, fukwe za bahari na kando ya mito ni endelevu na akatoa wito kwa watu wote waliojenga katika maeneo hayo kuchukuka tahadhari mapema kuondoa usumbufu. “Tumechelewa kuchukua hatua kutokana na zoezi hili kushirikisha mamlaka zaidi ya mmoja, tulikutana kujadili na kuona umuhimu wa kuunganisha nguvu ili utekelezaji wake usiingilie mamlaka nyingine,” alisema Dk Ntakamulenga. Alisema kazi hiyo pindi itakapomalizika katika jiji la Dar es Salaam ambako kuna viwanja zaidi ya 100, vinavyopaswa kurudishwa katika mamlaka husika, itahamia mikoani na itawahusu pia watu wote waliojenga nyumba zao kwenye hifadhi za taifa, kando ya mito na kwenye fukwe za bahari kitendo kinachosababisha uharibifu wa mazingira. Polisi Kinondoni yatoa onyo Kamanda Kenyela aliwataka watu wote waliojenga nyumba zao katika maeneo yanayokatazwa na Serikali, kuzibomoa wenyewe ili kukwepa mkono wa sheria. “Tukio la leo ni kwamba tumewasha taa, sasa watu wote waliojenga nyumba zao kinyume na sheria katika jiji la Dar es Salaam na hata wenye migogoro ya ardhi ambao Mahakama ilishatoa hukumu ni vyema wakabomoa wenyewe, watii sheria pasipo shuruti,” alisema. Habari hii imeandikwa na Geofrey Nyang’oro wa Gazeti la Mwananchi.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Hot Emi Properties Katika YouTube
Hii video ni wakati Salma akielezea nyumba ya kupangisha iliyoko Sinza. Unaweza ukapata nyumba kama hii au nzuri zaidi bila kuhangaika kuzunguka mji mzima na madalali wa nyumba.
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Lango Kuu la Kuingilia |
Nyumba hii iko Bunju. Inauzwa kwa sababu mama mwenye nyumba anataka ada za watoto wake shule. Ina vyumba sita na sebule kubwa. Inafaa kwa biashara ya kupangisha. Iko kwenye kiwanja kikubwa.
Bei yake ni Sh.50 milioni
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Ramani ya Viwanja Kigamboni. |
Hii ni ramani ya viwanja huko Kigamboni. Imetoka Minispaa ya Temeke. Ni vizuri kabla hujanunua kiwanja ukajua kuwa kiwanja unachonunua hakiko eneo ambalo haliruhusiwi kujenga ili kuepuka kutapeliwa.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Kwa nini utafute Nyumba ya Kupanga Kupitia Hot Emi Properties?
Katika biashara ya tanzania real estates, wapo wengi wanaendelea kuifanya hapa Dar es Salaam na mikoa mingine. Ila cha kushangaza, biashara hii inafanyika siyo kama inavyofanywa katika nchi zingine, kama UK, USA n.k. Hapa kwetu biashara hii imeshikiliwa sana na madalali wa nyumba ambao wamekuwa wakiifanya namna ambavyo watenja wao wamebaki na malalamiko.
Ili kuepuka usumbufu huo, Hot Emi Properties wamekuja na njia sahihi za kufanya biashara ya Tanzania real estates. Hivyo, sababu kuu za kuja kwa Hot Emi Properties ni kama ifuatavyo
1. Utachagua nyumba, kiwanja au shamba kupitia video.
Ili kuepuka usumbufu huo, Hot Emi Properties wamekuja na njia sahihi za kufanya biashara ya Tanzania real estates. Hivyo, sababu kuu za kuja kwa Hot Emi Properties ni kama ifuatavyo
1. Utachagua nyumba, kiwanja au shamba kupitia video.
Kama ilivyo hivi sasa, madalali wa nyumba huwazungusha mtaa hadi mtaa ili kuwatafutia nyumba wateja. Wakati mwingine, pamoja na juhudi hizo za kuzunguka, huwa nyumba haipatikani na ni lazima mteja atoe pesa ya kuzungusha ambayo ni kati ya sh. 5,000 hadi sh. 10,000. Hii imeleta usumbufu mkubwa sana kwa wateja. Kutatua tatizo hili, Hot Emi Proprties imeanzisha mpango ambapo nyumba za kuuzwa au kupngisha kupigwa picha za video na mnato na kuoneshwa katika ofisi zao. Hii hupunguza muda wa kuzunguka na kwenda kuangalia nyumba mitaani.
2. Shamba au nyumba huhakikiwa na watalaam wa ardhi kutoka wizarani.
Kampuni ya Hot Emi Properties huwatumia watalaam wa ardhi ili kutoa uhalali wa shamba au sehemu inayouzwa ili kuepuka matapeli ambao wamekuwa wakiwaibia wateja kwa kuwauzia sehemu ambazo haziuzwi.
3. Mikataba yote ya ununuzi au kupanga husainiwa mbele ya wanasheria.
Biashara za Tanzania real estates hakika kuwa utapeli mwingi. Hilo tumeliona na kuamua kuwatumia wanasheria katika maswala ya ardhi ili kusimamia mikataba ambayo tunaingia na wateja wetu ili wasitapaliwe.
4. Kampuni itahakikisha mteja wake haonewi na mwenye nyumba
Baada ya kuuza au kupangisha nyumba au frem, kampuni hufuatilia kuona kama mteja wetu haonewi na mwenye nyumba. Huduma hii huitwa kitalaam after sale service. Huzikutanisha pande zinazosigana ili kutatua migogoro katika mikataba kama inatokea.
5. Mteja atapata taarifa sahihi za sheria ya makazi na haki zake
Kampuni huwapa wateja wake taarifa sahihi kuhusu sheria na taratibu za makazi na kutoa ushauri namna nzuri ya ununuzi au upangaji wa makazi unaoendana na sheria inavyotaka.Karibu Hot Emi Properties ili upate huduma zetu bora
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Why Buying A Home May Be More Advantageous Than Renting
Although some people find renting a more
convenient option, real estate experts still recommend home ownership
because of its many advantages. Consider the benefits and risks of
home buying vis-à-vis renting. Especially when you think about your
retirement years, you will realize that investing in a home will be the
smartest decision you will ever make in your life.
Several studies
show that having your own home can indeed be beneficial in various ways
such as lower chances of teenage pregnancy, better education for your
children, and more annual income for your children. But these are just
some of the advantages of owning a home. Here are more reasons why you
should buy yours now:
1. Housing expenses are more stable with mortgage payments than rental payments.
When you buy a house, your mortgage payments are most likely to remain as they are throughout the home loan period. In contrast, rental fees usually increase each year. Especially during inflation, when prices of goods go up, people who rent are bound to lose more money than homeowners.
2. You get large tax savings.
Since mortgage payments consist mostly of property taxes and interests in the first few years, you can expect huge savings when you deduct these fees from your state income and federal income taxes-that is, if you decide to purchase your own home.
3. Home ownership allows you to consolidate your other debts.
You can do so if you need to refinance your mortgage loan and get out of debt faster. The interest on your debt consolidation can be deducted from your tax as well. You won't get this benefit from renting an apartment, house, or condo.
4. You can build equity in your own home.
When you rent, the money you pay monthly goes only to your landlord. But when you buy a home, your mortgage payments become your real estate investment. How does it happen? Generally, the value of properties increases over time. And when your property gets more value, you can earn money by selling it. Paying your mortgage loans is like investing your money for future use such as for your retirement fund or for the education of your children.
5. The house is yours!
Because you own the house, you have full control over everything that concerns it: the interior design, color of the walls, the number of guests you can accommodate, among many others. You can have as many pets as you want. You won't need to ask permission from the landlord about changing the look or remodeling the house. No one will force you out of your house or engage you in a violent altercation if you simply want to change the kitchen wall's color from white to neon green.
Remember, a home is the single biggest purchase that you might make in your life. Before you get a home, you have to know the responsibilities that go with it. The common risks involved in buying a real estate property include decreased value of the home, foreclosure, and increased expenses. Thus, weigh all the benefits and risks to be able to arrive at a wise decision.
1. Housing expenses are more stable with mortgage payments than rental payments.
When you buy a house, your mortgage payments are most likely to remain as they are throughout the home loan period. In contrast, rental fees usually increase each year. Especially during inflation, when prices of goods go up, people who rent are bound to lose more money than homeowners.
2. You get large tax savings.
Since mortgage payments consist mostly of property taxes and interests in the first few years, you can expect huge savings when you deduct these fees from your state income and federal income taxes-that is, if you decide to purchase your own home.
3. Home ownership allows you to consolidate your other debts.
You can do so if you need to refinance your mortgage loan and get out of debt faster. The interest on your debt consolidation can be deducted from your tax as well. You won't get this benefit from renting an apartment, house, or condo.
4. You can build equity in your own home.
When you rent, the money you pay monthly goes only to your landlord. But when you buy a home, your mortgage payments become your real estate investment. How does it happen? Generally, the value of properties increases over time. And when your property gets more value, you can earn money by selling it. Paying your mortgage loans is like investing your money for future use such as for your retirement fund or for the education of your children.
5. The house is yours!
Because you own the house, you have full control over everything that concerns it: the interior design, color of the walls, the number of guests you can accommodate, among many others. You can have as many pets as you want. You won't need to ask permission from the landlord about changing the look or remodeling the house. No one will force you out of your house or engage you in a violent altercation if you simply want to change the kitchen wall's color from white to neon green.
Remember, a home is the single biggest purchase that you might make in your life. Before you get a home, you have to know the responsibilities that go with it. The common risks involved in buying a real estate property include decreased value of the home, foreclosure, and increased expenses. Thus, weigh all the benefits and risks to be able to arrive at a wise decision.
Author Peter Jordan is a realtor with Prudential NJ Properties in Westfield New Jersey. For more information, visit http://www.livinginwestfieldnj.com
To invest in Tanzania real estate you can contact Hot EMI Properties in Dar es Salaam.
To invest in Tanzania real estate you can contact Hot EMI Properties in Dar es Salaam.
What You Need to Do to Sell Your House in Tanzania Real Estate Business
We’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but the truth is home
buyers in Tanzania real estate business do. They almost always base their
decisions about a house based on how it looks. It’s important to make your home
look pretty good, or you’ll end up settling for a much less check at the deal closing
Here are some things you can do to ensure that your home will sell for
the most money possible.
Increase Curb Appeal
If your house doesn’t look good from the street, many buyers won’t even
get out of the car. Try to look at your house from a buyer’s perspective, and
make sure you consider each of the following items before offering your house
for sale.
- Remove anything that looks messy or doesn’t need to be in the yard, like kids’ toys, tree branches, trash cans, or stray lawn furniture.
- If you have a pet, be extra vigilant in picking up after it while your house is on the market. There aren’t many things that will turn a buyer off faster than stepping in a pile of dog droppings.
- Trim all your trees and bushes neatly, weed the plant beds, and put down fresh mulch.
- Plant some inexpensive flowering annuals for a pop of color.
- Rent a power washer and spend an afternoon washing your home’s siding, gutters, doorways, and walkways.
- Take a close look at your front door and outside entry area. A fresh coat of paint and new hardware will go a long way towards making your home look fresh and inviting. When a real estate agent brings a buyer to your home, there’s always a moment spent waiting at the front door while the agent opens the lockbox and unlocks your door. Don’t let the buyers see spider webs and chipped paint while they’re waiting.
Beauty ISN’T Just Skin Deep
Presenting a well-maintained exterior is critical to getting the most
money when you sell your house in Tanzania real estate business, but you can’t
stop there. You still need to “wow” buyers after they step inside. Walk through
your house, looking at it as though you were seeing it for the first time. Consider
each of the following items to see if they need attention.
- · Attack clutter. If you don’t need it, put it away. Box up all nonessentials and store them in the garage or a storage unit. Even if your garage is stacked high with boxes, buyers understand that. They know that you’re preparing to move, and most garages look pretty much the same anyway. If the rest of your HOUSE is stacked high with personal items, that’s another matter. Many buyers will assume that your house is too small to accommodate their stuff.
- Clean like crazy. Cleaning your house doesn’t cost much, but it can dramatically increase the amount you’ll make on the sale. Wash the windows, wipe the baseboards, and dust every horizontal surface.
- Paint. Most homes would benefit from a fresh coat of paint. Take your cue from model homes: paint everything a neutral, non-offensive color.
- Rearrange. The way you’ve had your furniture arranged for years isn’t necessarily the most appealing way. Experiment to see if moving a couch or removing a chair might make a room appear more open.
- Get rid of any odors. If you smoke or have a pet, ASSUME that your house smells like it. You may not notice it, but others will—and it can cost you thousands of dollars. Clean the carpets, change air conditioning filters, and do whatever you must to eradicate all unpleasant odors.
Your goal isn’t to just make your house look nice, but to plant a seed
in the buyers’ minds. Let them imagine that if they lived in THIS house, their
lives would be better. If they bought THIS house, it would be clean all the
time, the lawn would be beautiful, and their closets would be meticulously
Of course, that’s not likely to happen in real life, but you can’t help
it if that’s what they IMAGINE, right? That’s the sort of thinking that allows
them to justify paying more for it. And that’s exactly what you want. To get
more information on how to buy a house in Tanzania real estate business contact
Hot Emi Properties locacated at Kumekucha Sinza in Dar Es Salaam.
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